About web
This site was created in order to best inform you about the Nanomaterials course at the Technical University of Liberec.
The following materials were used during the creation of this website:
- Photos and videoclips by Lucie Křiklavová
- Materials from the Institute of Physics ASCR, v. v. i.
- Materials from TUL departments and the Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies TUL
- Drupal content management system/framework, Blogger template
Special commendation for their contribution to the creation of this website:
- Ing. Jan Grégr (Department of Chemistry);
- Ing. Štěpánka Tůmová, Ph.D. (Department of Materials)
- Ing. Eva Košťáková, Ph.D. (Department of Non-Woven Textiles)
The sources for visual materials are given directly within the picture if they are known.
Thank you to all providers of materials